DFEST 2024

The South West Dowsing Festival will return on the weekend of the 15th & 16th June 2024.


Welcome to Devon Dowsers

Last year was the 30th anniversary of Devon Dowsers. The society continues to thrive and be a space where dowsers can learn and share their skills. We wish to acknowledge all those past members who have helped to make the society a success. It is from these strong roots that we grow and reflect the amazing gifts that life can present us with through the incredible gift of dowsing.

Our celebrations for the anniversary year included the King Arthur Quest to Tintagel, Cadbury and Glastonbury guided by Don Bryan, Workshops led by Sean Ferris, Jacqueline Lawes and Dr Karen Stead-Dexter, Zoom talks with international speakers, the monthly Zoom Dowsing Development Group and Zoom Video/Book Club, and Talk and Walk dowsing days with Sean Ferris, Peter Knight at Princetown and Merrivale. Also to Hartland visiting some North Devon sacred sites. In September last year we were so pleased to host Veda Austin for another of her extremely interesting and thought-provoking talks.

This year we are no less busy and have a full programme of events, both face to face, on Zoom and out in the field looking at sacred and ancient sites across the region. The not to be missed event will be DFEST which takes place during the weekend of 15th and 16th June 2024. The theme will be Dowsing as a Tool for Co-creation. More details to follow soon.

If you would like to learn to dowse then come long to our next Introduction to Dowsing course which will be held at Spreyton Village Hall on Sunday 24th at Spreyton. Dowsing is a way of getting information we can’t get by using our rational mind, and is as old as the hills. Dowsing is both enriching and fascinating.

Whether you with to find the partner of your dreams, what you would enjoy most on a menu, where to go on holiday, whether your home has detrimental energies, how to maximise your health and wellbeing, pursue the mysteries of earth energies, or explore sacred and archaeological sites, dowsing will give you answers, which invariably surprise you.

I invite you to dive deep into this world if you are not already a dowser, it is fun and life affirming and brings depth and meaning to many of the mysteries of life. You are very welcome to join us in this adventure that is the life of dowsing.

Trevor Ives


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