DFEST 2024
DFEST took place in South Zeal on 16th and 17th June 2024. The report provides write ups for all the field trips, workshops and talks. It captures lots of the action in photos and captures the essence of the weekend with a wealth of wide ranging topics. Well worth diving in and having a read of this well put together report.
To read it, use the link at the top of the website
Welcome to Devon Dowsers
Devon Dowsers was established 32 years ago. The society continues to thrive and be a space where dowsers can learn and share their skills. We wish to acknowledge all those past members who have helped to make the society a success. It is from these strong roots that we grow and reflect the amazing gifts that life can present us with through the incredible gift of dowsing.
This year we were extremely busy and had a full programme of events, both face to face, on Zoom and out in the field looking at sacred and ancient sites across the region. DFEST which took place during the weekend of 15th and 16th June 2024 was a notable highlight. The theme of Dowsing as a Tool for Co-creation was very much of our times and was enjoyed enthusiastically by those who attended. It was a special event, pulled together by Gwynn Paulett, our past Chair and ably supported by a fantastic group of speakers and others, allowing the event to be a real success. Please look at the report on the event in another part of this website. Other events of note included talks by Susan Collins, Dr Karen Stead-Dexter, Veda Austin and Pam Gregory, but there were a host of other stimulating speakers who have been appreciated by participants and added to the enjoyment of being amongst a group of enthusiastic enquirers into the mysteries of the Universe and our place within it all.
We hold regular Introduction to Dowsing events led by Gwynn who is an excellent teacher. Dowsing is a way of getting information we can’t get by using our rational mind, and is as old as the hills. Dowsing is both enriching and fascinating.
Whether you with to find the partner of your dreams, what you would enjoy most on a menu, where to go on holiday, whether your home has detrimental energies, how to maximise your health and wellbeing, pursue the mysteries of earth energies, or explore sacred and archaeological sites, dowsing will give you answers, which invariably surprise you.
I invite you to dive deep into this world if you are not already a dowser, it is fun and life affirming and brings depth and meaning to many of the mysteries of life. You are very welcome to join us in this adventure that is the life of dowsing.
Trevor Ives
Chair November 2024