Dowsing Development Group ~ Totnes

DD-DD Group Totnes Free for Devon Dowsers’ members only, our new members benefit for 2020 This Saturday 1st February is our first Devon Dowsers Dowsing Development Group and the first Saturday of every month going forwards 10am to 12pm Royal Seven Stars, Totnes Buy...

Sunday 16th February afternoon talk at Ashburton

“Bird Medicine – intuitive listening and wisdom from Birds of Prey” Dr Karen Stead – Dexter Ashburton Town Hall 2.00 pm Sunday 16th February 2020. This will be an awe-inspiring experience which will make your heart soar! 4 or 5 Birds of Prey will bring their Medicine,...

Talk in February

A talk by Amanda Peet on Emotional Dowsing Techniques (EDT) Tuesday 11th February 2020 7.30p.m Red Lion, East Street, Chulmleigh, Devon, EX18 7DD Join Amanda to hear about Emotional Dowsing Techniques (EDT). Amanda has been a Dowser and an EFT Practitioner for over 10...


DEVON DOWSERS COURSE AND WORKSHOP FEES From 1st January 2020 fees for Courses and Workshops run by Devon Dowsers will be £30 for members of DD and £45 for non-members. The £45 charge for non-members will include a membership subscription which will run from the date...

Next Weeks Talk 14th January 2020

“Mary and Michael Pilgrimage” Kay Caldwell and Anne Jones 7.30pm Tuesday 14th January 2020. Red Lion, East Street, Chulmleigh, Devon, EX18 7DD Kay Caldwell and Anne Jones, members of Devon Dowsers, will be sharing their photos and telling the inspiring story of their...