A ZOOM Workshop by Sean Ferris
at 2.15pm on Sunday 9th May
Sean will take us through some of the techniques he has used to uncover patterns of illness, as well as pointing towards the books and resources he uses on a daily basis – including the digital technology to make you a fully portable dowser.
He has used all these techniques whilst travelling the world and still working online. He will focus on how to find illness, especially through using drawings as the basis for essentially ‘map dowsing’ for pathogens. There will be plenty of time for questions and for drawing out more information.
Sean is a professional medical dowser, and an enthusiastic earth energy dowser. He has been practicing for over twenty years, and dabbling for a lot longer. His ground breaking work is in chronic illness, especially around those ailments stemming from gluten and dairy intolerances including chronic fatigue and ME, asthma, eczema, depression and many others.
He is also an accidental alchemist, having revealed a pattern of evolution, which directly involves the precious and base metals. He has followed the trails of earth energies: dragons, unicorns, pegasi and various chimeras – all over the world. In the UK, he has uncovered – and has been following – the Arthur, Merlin and Grail lines, amongst others. He is currently writing books on all three subjects – when he gets the time!