Joining Devon Dowsers

Devon Dowsers have several different grades/categories of membership. To apply, please identify the Membership Category that applies to you from the list below. The category also gives the annual subscription rate which is due on 1st November.

The cost of membership

All membership subscriptions expire on 31 October each year, so new membership subscriptions are due on 1 November.

Membership categories

Individual membership = £18 per year

Members receive written information, have free access to monthly meetings and may use the Devon Dowsers’ Library. They also have full voting rights.

Combined membership = £30 per year

Any two persons at the same address (under 16’s included free) will receive one set of written information, free access to monthly meetings and may use the Devon Dowsers’ Library. Both have voting rights and library cards. Family members over 16 years old have access to all information and free access to meetings, but no voting rights or library card.

Note: There is no Junior Membership. Children can come along with their parents who are responsible for them

Overseas/Distant membership = £12

Overseas and distant members can attend talks, workshops and field trips free of charge and receive postal voting rights, but have no library card.

General membership entitlements

Members do not pay for attending regular Group Meetings, may borrow books from the Library at no cost, and may bring Guests to a meeting for £5. Occasionally, a special Speaker may be engaged or a special event organised, for which an additional fee may be required to cover extra costs.

DD Dog Policy for Talks in Halls and Field Trips

Please note that no dogs are allowed at Devon Dowsers meetings and Field Trips, with the exception of Assistance Dogs with prior notice

How to sign up for or renew your membership

Application forms are available on this website. You can sign up or renew your membership by clicking on the following links and submitting the form.

Online membership renewal

Online Application To Join Devon Dowsers

If you prefer to print out pdfs of the membership application or renewal forms, you can do this if you click on the following links, print out the form,  fill it in and contact to discuss where to post the form to. Payment by BACS is preferable but if you are unable to do this, email to discuss alternative payment methods


                                                                                          PDF for Devon Dowsers new membership application                                

                                                                                                         PDF for Devon Dowsers member renewal

Due to recent changes in the law, you will only receive important messages such as last-minute changes or additions to our programme, or general information we think you might be interested in, if you subscribe to this website. You can subscribe by completing the short online ‘Subscribe to our Newsletter’ form at the bottom right of the Home page.

Your application will normally be approved, but if for some reason your application is not accepted your payment will be refunded in full.

Please note

Records will be kept on a computer for internal use only and will never be given to any third party.