After such a difficult year in 2020 and the ongoing challenges of the global pandemic, we thought a good start would be to focus on dowsing and its many facets which we can apply in the ever changing world around us.

Slimbridge Dowsers 1st talk of the year is based on the Dowsing, Past, Present and Future talk which Paul Syrett gave in February 2020 and has been updated to incorporate ideas on how we can use the art of dowsing to navigate the challenge of a global pandemic.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The Committee of Slimbridge Dowsers

Talk details

January 12 2021 – Dowsing – Our Community Connection – Paul Syrett

7:15 pm for 7:30 pm start  There is no charge for attending. 

Meeting ID: 895 7221 5269   Passcode: 092062

Waiting room will be open at 7:15 and the talk will start at 7:30pm.