by Devon Dowsers Secretary | | News
DEVON DOWSERS 27th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will take place next Tuesday 26th November 2019 at the Red Lion, Chulmleigh starting at 7.30pm. This will be followed by a Talk by Alan Murray on ‘Dowsing in Africa’ with live music, a short film of Dartmoor, and... by Devon Dowsers Secretary | | News
DEVON DOWSERS is 27 years old today! 108 members and still growing…… A big thank you to everyone who supports... by Devon Dowsers Secretary | | News
INTRODUCTION TO DOWSING COURSE SPREYTON VILLAGE HALL SUNDAY 29th MARCH 2020 10am for a 10.30am start to 4.30pm approx DD members – £30 Non members – £45 to include a single membership Limited numbers – payment secures your place Book online by BACS... by Devon Dowsers Secretary | | News
LIBRARY BOOKS As usual we will be doing our annual stocktake of Library books at the end of the year. Please return all books by the AGM on Tuesday 26th November to enable this to take place. Thank you. Your... by Devon Dowsers Secretary | | News
OUR NEXT TALK – Next Tuesday 8th October at the Red Lion, Chulmleigh starting at 7.30pm ‘History of the Medicine Wheel’ with Heather Darwin Members free. Non members & guests – £5...