by Devon Dowsers | | General, News
The membership year runs from 1 November to 31 October. You can either complete the online form for renewal or application, or alternatively you can print a copy of the form out and send it by post to the DD Membership secretary. All of these options are available by... by Devon Dowsers | | General, News
PROGRAMME 2022 2023... by Devon Dowsers | | General, News
‘Spring has sprung’. There is an abundance of flowers, seeds are sprouting and longer evenings are with us. It’s an invitation to use our dowsing skills to connect with nature as well as ourselves, to increase self-responsibility, and to help others, coming from a...
by Devon Dowsers | | General, News
At our recent festive gathering at Spreyton. Sally Cunis read this poem before we were treated to some dancing from Winkley Morris Dancers and Members of Devon Dowsers were encouraged to join in. To Dance or not to Dance? A Conflict of Interests… Now I`m...
by Devon Dowsers | | General, News
Albion Dreamtime – Re-enchanting the Isle of Dragons. Peter Knight and Sue Wallace: Spreyton Village Hall, Devon 2.00 pm Sunday 10th October 2021 We welcome back authors Sue and Peter, as they share their Questing to Albion’s magical, natural sacred places. Across...