by Devon Dowsers | | News, Uncategorized
Severnside Dowsers have the following Zoom talks that may be of interest to Devon Dowsers 28th January – Patrick MacManaway: an elemental and plant communication class – everyone will need a stone, a candle, a glass of water and a potted plant within reach; we will... by Devon Dowsers | | News, Uncategorized
If you are after some stimulating winter dowsing out of the cold winds and rain, you might find redundant churches well worth a visit. A ‘redundant’ church (or, as they are now officially called, ‘closed churches’) are those whose congregations dropped off to such an... by Devon Dowsers | | News, Uncategorized
We are grateful to Sally for sharing her latest inspiring poem ‘I thought I heard these words’ together with her lovely drawing. I have never met a shiny white angel. I am sure they exist. I have seen their light though through the years – the other day, a teenager...