Devon Dowsers’ Ethics and rules


 1. Members shall  act in good faith in accordance with the highest standards of personal integrity and uphold the good name of the Society.

2. Being mindful  of their responsibilities to others, members shall avoid and discourage sensationalism, exaggeration and misleading statements.

 3. Members shall not use their membership of the Society as evidence of their qualifications or ability as dowsers.


 1. Name
The name of the Society is “Devon Dowsers”.

2. Objects

To encourage study and advance knowledge of dowsing in all its aspects. In pursuance of these objects the Society shall:

a. hold meetings and arrange lectures, field trips, visits, etc.;
b. maintain library sources to facilitate research into such knowledge;
c. maintain a register of members having experience of dowsing or an interest in dowsing;
d. publish documents to further disseminate knowledge; and
e. administer funds committed to its charge to advance its objectives.

3. Constitution

a. The affairs of the Society are directed and managed by a Council consisting of a Chairman, vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and 2 others.

b. A quorum for any Council meeting is 4 members, and no business other than its formal adjournment shall be transacted unless a quorum be present.

c. A quorum for any general meeting shall be 10 members, and no business other than its formal adjournment shall be transacted at any general meeting without a quorum being present.

d. The Chairman is to have a second or casting vote at any Council or general meeting.

e. In the absence of the Chairman and vice-Chairman, the Council will nominate and elect its chair from the Council members present for that meeting.

f. These rules, other than the objects, may only be altered and varied at an AGM, by a resolution consistent with those objects set down at least 28 days previously, accepted by a two-thirds majority of members attending and voting at that AGM.


a. Membership is open to all individuals interested in the objects of the Society.

b. Membership applications for consideration by the Council shall be in writing, signed by the applicant.

c. New members may be proposed by an existing member and elected by the Council.

d. Should a member’s conduct be injurious to the character or interests of the Society, or bring it into contempt or disrepute, they may be expelled from the Society by unanimous vote of the Council.


a. All members pay an annual subscription, due at the AGM or in payments at the Treasurer’s discretion, the sum(s) being set by the Council and approved at the AGM.

b. Any outstanding balance of the total annual subscription fee must be paid before membership renewal will be considered for a following year.

c. Members may bring one guest to an individual lecture etc. upon payment of an appropriate sum as set by the Council and approved at the AGM.


The financial year of the Society ends on 31st August, and an audited account shall be prepared within 28 days, and be presented and considered at the AGM each year.


a. The Chairman, vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected and or re-elected at the AGM, together with 2 other members to constitute the Council.

b. The Council may appoint sub-Committees to consider specific matter, delegating such limited powers as it considers expedient to any such sub-Committee, which authority will cease upon presentation of its formal report to the Council.


a. This shall be in November of each year, the date being decided by the Council and notified to the membership.

b. New (prospective) members may attend the AGM, the newly elected Council will consider their application for membership as laid down.

c. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall give their reports on the functioning of the Society.

d. The Society will consider any other relevant business.


a. An extraordinary general meeting of the Society may be called at the discretion of the Council within 28 days of receipt of a formal written requisition signed by at least 10 members.

b. An EGM shall only transact the business for which that EGM be specifically convened.


a. Any proposal to wind up the Society shall require ratification by an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society of which said meeting 28 days written notice must be given to all members setting out such proposal and such proposal must be accepted by a two thirds majority of members attending and voting at that meeting.

b. If so accepted all available funds and assets of the Society shall be transferred as soon as reasonably practicable to such one or more bodies having objects similar or reasonably similar to those within this constitution as may be set out in the proposal to wind up or if none are therein proposed and agreed by a two thirds majority as are chosen by the Society’s last elected Council in their absolute discretion and by a simple majority of their members attending and voting at a meeting of the said last elected Council within 28 days of the said Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.