For those new to Devon Dowsers, in partnership with Somerset Dowsers in 2018 we held a Dowsing Festival in June based at South Zeal, Devon, which was felt to be a great success.

Devon Dowsers offered to administer another festival in 2020, which due to Covid we cancelled and postponed it to June 13th/14th 2021.

The Devon Dowser’s Council met this Monday to discuss DFEST.

Given Government restrictions it was not possible to run DFEST on the booked date of June 13th/14th 2021.

A date in September was considered 18th/19th which was the only date available from a key venue we use. However, this clashed with two other Dowsing events in England.

July and August were discounted given the demand on accommodation and traffic issues likely from holiday bookings in the South West..

In addition, consideration was given to our insurance policy which stated Public Liability Insurance would only be provided if both Government Guidelines and Government Restrictions were followed.

June 21st is the date when the Government hopes all restrictions (laws) would end. No advice on ‘Guidelines’ is being offered.

Heightened risk assessments are also likely to be required for all events, and a key element is First Aid which needs to be Covid proofed with leaders of ‘events’ fully briefed.

By September not all members will be confident mixing inside in a large group, having spent a year shielding, even though they are vaccinated.

Weighing up all these considerations and dowsing for an outcome, the decision was made not to run DFEST in 2021 but to book a date in June 2022 when hopefully there will be less imponderables and a relaxed atmosphere present where we could socialise and have fun.

Once 21st June 2021 is reached there is no doubt a desire to be able to get outside and dowse in whatever size groups members are comfortable with. Devon Dowsers will be organising different Outings to enjoy our dowsing after this time.

2022 will see the South West Dowsing Festival being a celebration of Dowsing attended with confidence and a desire to re connect on so many levels. Let’s all look forward to that.

Take care
