Please note that the Pentillie site is on private land and Dowsers can not just turn up, if you would like more information please visit  

An experiment;- Is there an effect without human interaction?

Oh dear should have seen this coming!
I can not, I should not, I may not. I must! Only kidding
Having realised there would be no gathering in numbers at the Hurlers and especially no
breakfast! I was then tentatively invited to Pentillie Circle depending on Government guidance.
That turned out to be a no go as well so permission asked for and granted by the owners, and
“the management” to dowse on my own, definitely social distancing except for the Guardian
of Place that also did not mind my dodging about among the stones.
Friday the 19th was when the owner gave permission and said he would unlock the gate to the
car park. He did not say said car park would be full of 15-20 Bullocks! Needless to say I did not
dare open the gate so went over the top and told the Bullocks to mind their own business
when they pranced all round me, so over the 2nd gate and down to the circle I was amazed
that I met the energy (Aura) of the circle so soon as I approached from the West. The rest of
the results are on the next pages. I can still hardly believe the amount of changes there were in
so short a time and no human activity to attribute it to as we are inclined to do at The Hurlers.
Incidentally all measurements are subject to very minor error as my 30 ft. metal retractable
tape measure decided not to retract so I had a fight with it each time I moved round the circle.

Dowsing Pentillie Circle in Lock Down
1st June create map/layout of circle from file.
Distance/Map dowse at home some information I remember from site visits last year but not
necessarily correctly. So this is my method……………to continue reading Dowsing in Lockdown by Derek Scofield