Dowsing for Health

Here are some ideas and articles relating to health dowsing


Barry Witton – Health Dowser

We are very grateful to Barry for giving us permission to use his dowsing for health booklet which ‘is designed to empower dowsers to take control of and improve their holistic health through lifestyle changes. Holistic health is defined as our health and well-being at all levels -physical, emotional. Mental and spiritual’. As Barry says, “Don’t wait for the rain before you fix the roof”.

(please click on the links ) Barry Witton – Health Dowser

Dowsing can be  used to optimise the performance of our immune system. We can remove stressors and make lifestyle improvements. You will find a Dowsing Immune System Worksheet written by Barry Witton which works in conjunction with his Dowsing Lifestyle Changes booklet. There are also charts and lists to dowse.

Immune Protection Worksheet Index

Originally written for the Covid-19 pandemic but can be used at any time. This worksheet works in conjunction with Barry Witton’s ‘Dowsing Lifestyle changes’ digital booklet you will find in the Health section of the Self-Help tab on Devon Dowsers website.

I would suggest you refer to the booklet on a screen and print off the Worksheet so you can write on it.

Within the Worksheet Barry identifies elements within his booklet that relate to the immune system which he invites you to dowse and record on the blank page of the Worksheet. It’s helpful to write down what you find from your initial dowse and subsequent dowsing, particularly if you start taking supplements, change your diet, or take remedies. This will enable you to track results.

You do need to use scales when dowsing. Join Zoom meetings to learn more if you aren’t confident with using scales.

Covid 19 immune system v4