
Exercise resource list

Below are some links to information and gentle exercises to stimulate the body’s various defence systems.

Zhan Zhuang (pronounced Jan Jong) How to exercise whilst standing still! Follow this video and be surprised!! Master Lam Kam Chuen demonstrates this gentle way of exercising. His book is also worth a read ‘The Way of Energy’

The way of energy exercises

This link will take you to a recording from 09MAR20 of a Webinar/video conference (enabled by Zoom).

It’s originated by the producers of WDDTY (originally “What Doctors Don’t Tell You”).

There are three sections

  1. Movements from a Yoga teacher to stimulate one’s Lymph system.
  2. Qi Gong exercises for the lung, stress removal and visualisation.
  3. An explanation of the newly-devised Fastercise on how to stimulate Mitochondria to generate energy

Get Well Talk

This link will take you to the first of a series of videos on the 5,000 year old Chinese exercise method know as Zhan Zhuang (Eng. Jan Jong). It’s also known as “Standing Qi Gong”.

Zhan Zhuang

The link below should take you to a demonstration of how to use Acupressure to increase your immune system. You will need a Facebook account.


A daily Tai Chi routine can be found at:

Tai Chi

You could try a daily 30 minute walk of moderate pace is good to maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

A Breathing Exercise by Jann Wirtz

A Breathing Exercise

This is Donna Eden’s daily energy routine designed to build the immune system, gain energy and relieve pain. Donna Eden is a well known American energy healer.

Donna Eden

You can sign up to this website Sounds True to receive 7 FREE brief lessons to different energy practices which will be emailed to you.
