STAY SAFE in these anxious times but STAY IN TOUCH TOO!

Zoom’ is where members of Devon Dowsers are regularly meeting each other. Please download the Zoom App from Google, or your App store. It’s free. Each time we arrange a meeting, we will send you an email with the blue Zoom meeting link and meeting ID. Grab a coffee, brush your hair if you have any, and join in the chat about how best we can improve our dowsing and learn tips and new skills from each other. Dowsing can be a huge benefit to both ourselves and others at this difficult time. If you live alone this is a simple way of seeing friends and joining in the chat. It will also be possible to provide talks and workshops via Zoom so please check your emails and Facebook. Click here to download the Zoom App

The Covid19 pandemic

Staying safe. Putting love and protection out there for NHS staff, shop staff and all other key workers. Being realistic and optimistic. By dowsing we can help ourselves and others. We need to optimise the performance of our immune system, remove stressors. Use the new SELF-HELP tab to access Dowsing Self-Help Ideas: Health, Gardening, Healing Circles, Exercise etc.

This space is available for any member to share with other dowsers self help information. Please send them to either Jane or Gwynn via the Contact link on the front page of the website or email direct.

We will regularly send out links to our self help pages for you to explore.

Dowsing Lifestyle Changes (improve your Health and Well-being)

Barry Witton – Health Dowser

During the Corvid19 pandemic there is a need to optimise the performance of our immune system. We can remove stressors and make lifestyle improvements. We are very grateful to Barry for giving us permission to use his dowsing for health booklet which ‘is designed to empower dowsers to take control of and improve their holistic health through lifestyle changes. Holistic health is defined as our health and well-being at all levels -physical, emotional. Mental and spiritual’. As Barry says, “Don’t wait for the rain before you fix the roof”.

Please click here for Dowsing Health Booklet

There will be a Dowsing Immune System Worksheet written by Barry Witton which works in conjunction with his Dowsing Lifestyle Changes booklet, that will be posted soon.

Happy Dowsing!

Gwynn Paulett, Chairman of Devon Dowsers

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