Apply to join Devon Dowsers

Please use this form if you are not already a member of Devon Dowsers. If you prefer not to apply online you can print out a copy of the Pdf Application for membership Before completing the form below, please read the Devon Dowsers Privacy Policy and Ethics and Rules.

Application to join Devon Dowsers

MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Note: Members must be over 18 years of age. Individual membership: £18. Members receive written information, have free access to Zoom and in person meetings and may use the Devon Dowsers’ Library. They also have full voting rights.Combined membership: Any two persons at the same address: £30. They will receive one set of written information, free access to Zoom and in person meetings and may use the Devon Dowsers’ Library. Both have voting rights and library cards.Overseas/Distant membership: £12 per person. They will have a voting right but no library card and free access to Zoom meetings and in person meetings if they are able to attend.Subscriptions are due in November.GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ENTITLEMENTS.Members can bring Guests to an in person meeting for £5 each.There will be charges for members of in person Workshops and Courses.Membership expires on 31 October each year.
Please ensure you have read our privacy policy before sending your membership form to us. It is important that you understand how Devon Dowsers will use the information that you send to us through this form. You can find our privacy policy under About this site on this website.
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