We were sorry to hear of the death of Rodney Smith who passed away peacefully in his sleep on the 7th July 2021 aged 91. We send our condolences to his two daughters, Elaine and Sue, his wider family and friends. His son, Richard, passed away a few weeks before him.

Rodney joined the Devon Dowsers in its early years and became known as ‘Lydford Rod’ He was a very active member arranging walks (Rod’s Rambles) and BBQ’s on Dartmoor together with his late wife Doreen. At one time he ran our shop at meetings and events, and designed some unique dowsing rods called ‘Rod’s Wiggly Things’.

His funeral is on Monday 2nd August at 12.40pm at the Glynn Valley Crematorium, Bodmin and later at the Mary Tavy Inn. DD members are welcome to attend, but due to Covid restrictions please contact his daughter Elaine on 01484 862505 in the first instance.