Poems and Music

Julie, the Devon Dowsers shop keeper 2016 – 2019, heard this on BBC Radio Devon, 

‘We are isolating today so that when we get together again, no one is missing’. 


This space is available for any member to share with other dowsers the poems they find most inspiring. Please send them to either Jane or Gwynn via the Contact link on the front page of the website or email direct. Please send the link if you can find it on You Tube.

Devon Dowsers’ Sally Cunis is the Dowsers’ Poet Laureate, and will from time to time be sharing her poems with us.

Here are Sally’s most recent poems 

To Zoom or not to Zoom

A Spring Day on the Taw

Poem Coronavirus

Sally’s first poem in this series is below

Thoughts on Nature and the Coronavirus Outbreak

Sally has shared these poems that she wrote a few years ago

Poem – From Miracles I have known

 I`ve Dowsed Everywhere, Man

Sally’s There`s hope in the Seedlings

Sally also shares with us the moving speech of Chief Seattle made on 11th March 1854. He spoke in the Lushootseed language which has been translated through a number of languages  but the essence of his eloquent and powerful environmental message speaks to us today more than ever.

Chief Seattle Speech

Sally shared the words of White Eagle which are very inspiring, and a timely reminder not to allow us to get pulled down by all the negativity around.

Hopi Indian White Eagle

To celebrate Australian poetry Gwynn shares Bill Kearns ‘Entrapment’ poem.


Below are some poems from Gwynn’s favourite American poets, which include Wendell Berry, Mary Oliver, Robert Bly, Robert Frost and E,E.Cummings

Mary Oliver ‘Wild geese’

Wild Geese

Robert Frost ‘The Road not taken’ read by Robert Bly

The Road Not Taken

Wendell Berry ‘Manifesto: The Mad farmer Liberation Front.’

Manifesto: The Mad farmer Liberation Front

Robert Bly ‘Poems’


E.E. Cummings ‘I carry your heart with me’

I carry your heart with me

‘Lines Written A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey’ by William Wordsworth.

William Wordsworth

Dog Songs by Mary Oliver

Dog Songs

A thought provoking poem by YouTuber Tom Foolery

The Great Realisation

Gwynn, came across this poem by Ted Hughes which really resonated with him, from his walks around deep in lanes with Devon Banks where old oak trees grow above your head and form a green tunnel wrapping you around.

He has included a photo of Wistmans wood and a cut down oak in a wood near him to illustrate the poem

My own True Family by Ted Hughes


Andre Rieu – ‘You Will Never Walk Alone’

You Will Never Walk Alone

Tom Petty – ‘I Won’t Back Down’

I Won’t Back Down

Israel ‘IZ’ – ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Boyle – ‘I Dreamed a Dream’

I Dreamed A Dream

John Lennon – ‘Imagine’


Queen – ‘I Want to Break free’

I Want To Break Free

‘Benedictus’ From ‘The Armed man’, by Karl Jenkins with Stjepan Hauser playing cello


‘2 Cellos’ playing ‘With or Without You’.

With or Without You

Queen ‘The Show Must Go On’.

The Show Must Go On

Lark ascending‘ by Vaughan Williams played by Nigel Kennedy

Lark Ascending

Lustleigh’s virtual May Day Celebration

May Day 2020


I found a flute……

13th Day I Found a Flute