Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th June 2022 – South Zeal, Devon


The Festival        

Come and join us for the second South West Dowsing Festival in the beautiful surroundings of South Zeal, Dartmoor in Devon, for a celebration of dowsing that will be fun, informative, accessible financially, and open to all – novices and experts alike.  Children are also welcome as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult.

Whether you come for one day or for the whole weekend, there will be plenty to enjoy including Talks, Workshops and Field Trips – making the most of the wonderful ancient sites of nearby Dartmoor and enabling you to dowse with the help of knowledgeable leaders.  There will also be Indoor Workshop options to hone and expand your dowsing skills as well as Outdoor Workshops in the village of South Zeal.

Our theme ‘Dowsing for One and All’

‘Dowsing for One and All’ is an invitation to use our dowsing skills to ask questions and gain information that can strengthen a loving connection within ourselves, enabling us to consciously act as co-creators in the living world, and thereby enhance the inter-connectedness of all that makes up the Universe. By listening to our hearts, we can increase our intuitive skills and be more in tune with life in a way the ancients once were.


Sean Ferris, Emma Cunis, John Moss, Dr Karen Stead-Dexter and Nigel Twinn will each give a talk on a different aspect of the theme.

Field Trips & Workshops

On each day you can choose to go on one of four Field Trips, attend indoor Workshops led by Sean Ferris on Saturday, and Dr Karen Stead-Dexter on Sunday, or attend an outdoor Workshop led by Kate Smart on Saturday or Sunday.

Field Trips will include Brent Tor, Holy Wells, Scorhill Stone Circle, Belstone Nine Maidens, Lydford Gorge, Roundy Pound, Spinster’s Rock and Kes Tor enabling you to explore and dowse Stone Circles, Stone Rows, Hut Circles and Reaves, the Michael and Mary Earth Energy Currents, Water and other ancient Dartmoor energies. The Field Trips will be led by experienced Dowsers from Local Groups.

Dowsing Books, Tools and Crystals

Penwith Press, Peter Knight and Sue Wallace and Devon Dowsers will be selling books, tools and crystals.

Socialising in Beautiful Surroundings

The Festival is a chance to enjoy conversations with like-minded people both during the day and into the long summer evenings in this medieval Dartmoor village.  Camping is possible at the King’s Arms, and B&B and Airbnb is available in the local area.  South Zeal has two excellent pubs with good food.

Booking starts on 1st April 2022

For further information and booking, please visit:


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