Due to the restrictions this year, if you are unable to go out on the Summer Solstice, enjoy the celebration courtesy of English Heritage from the comfort of your own home. (see link below)

Devon Dowsers Trip to Stonehenge 2019
If you do venture out and would like to share your solstice images of sunrise or sunset with Devon Dowsers please email them to jane@devondowsers.org.uk
We can’t welcome you in person this year because of the measures in place to combat coronavirus – but our live coverage of sunset and sunrise at Stonehenge means you won’t miss a moment of this special occasion. Our cameras will capture the best views of Stonehenge, allowing you to connect with this spiritual place from the comfort of your own home. The events will be streamed LIVE across our YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels. Sign up now and schedule them into your diary:
- Saturday, June 20, 2020
9:26 PM
Sunset - Sunday, June 21, 2020
4:52 AM
NOTE : Please, to help keep everyone safe, do NOT travel to Stonehenge to visit or for Summer Solstice this year. We hope to be able to reopen in early July, and look forward to welcoming you in person when we do. Please check the Stonehenge page for the latest information on reopening.