Here are some reports written by members about talks on dowsing. Please use our contact form if you can contribute any more reports on talks about dowsing.
Sound Essences and Vibrational Energy. Write up by Nigel Twinn
The Holy Axis. Write up by Nigel Twinn
Were Gothic Churches Powered Up By Earth Energy Lines. Write up by Nigel Twinn
Dowsing in Quantum Reality Write up by Nigel Twinn
Scillonia and beyond A talk by Nigel Twinn
Maggie and Nigel Percy Write up by Nigel Twinn
Energy Medicine (Nigel Twinn)
Walking Between Worlds (Nigel Twinn)
Are You from Another Planet (Nigel Twinn)
Personal Space Clearing (Nigel Twinn)
Adventures in (Water) Dowsing (Nigel Twinn)
The Secret Intelligence of water (Nigel Twinn)
Sound Healing (Nigel Twinn)
The Old Stones Talk (Gwynn Paulett)
Medicine Wheels (Gwynn Paulett)
Animal communication (Ann Lodygowski)
Dartmoor Mindscapes by Peter Knight (Peter Knight)
Did Julius Caesar Cross My Lawn (Gwynn Paulett)
“Elementals, my dear Watson” (Adrian Incledon-Webber)
The linear landscape – long straight lines in the ether (Nigel Twinn)
Looking at detrimental energies (David Lockwood)
Past life regression and therapy (Chris Hytch)
The elongated long-skulled people of Stonehenge (Maria Wheatley)
The Greenwich Meridian – The axis of heaven (Paul Broadhurst