At our recent festive gathering at Spreyton. Sally Cunis read this poem before we were treated to some dancing from Winkley Morris Dancers and Members of Devon Dowsers were encouraged to join in.
To Dance or not to Dance? A Conflict of Interests…
Now I`m a Morris dancer and I wear the jingly bells,
And dance around the countryside in villages and dells.
I also like to dowse with a pendulum and twig,
But find I`m falling down a lot when I try to dowse and jig.
I wave with gay abandon my sticks up in the air,
But sometimes get my rods mixed up and tangled in my hair.
It`s difficult to dance when you`re dowsing for some water;
I shouldn`t do them both at once, I really didn`t oughter!
Should I dowse, or should I dance, or do them both together?
It`s hard to dowse for drainpipes when you`re prancing through the heather.
The cows they hide behind a tree, the sheep, they run a mile,
But the look on peoples` faces – well, I think they`re trying to smile…
Sally Cunis 1999 Copyright Sally Cunis