Devon Dowsers invites you to support Water Dowsing Africa by making a donation and spreading the word.

Currently, 1 in 3 people in the world lives without a safe local water source. This has huge impacts on people’s lives affecting their health, education, ability to grow food and chances of leading a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle.
As I am sure most of us from the dowsing community and beyond recognise that employing the gift of dowsing can provide much-improved accuracy in finding clean, plentiful, reliable and non-seasonal water supplies when compared with geological methods alone.
In collaboration with the charity Village Water, who already do great work installing wells, boreholes and associated sanitation in Zambia, we intend to train local people how to dowse to improve their chances of finding good, clean water.
Village Water – see – was founded by a group from the British Society of Dowsers following a fact-finding visit to the Western Province in Zambia in 2004.
For the initial trip planned for September 2022, we intend to send Guy Hudson and hopefully other water diviners to Zambia. Guy was instrumental in setting up Village Water, he was a trustee from 2004 to 2012 and has been to the area many times.
The monies raised in this campaign will be used to cover Guy’s and other water dowsers’ travel and associated costs plus make a donation to Village Water who will facilitate the dowsing training ‘on the ground’. Guy and other dowsers will be giving their time for free.
We were intending to send Linda Fentum, another professional water dowser, to Zambia with Guy, but she tragically lost her life in a diving accident earlier this year. We are therefore looking for any other water dowsers who might be interested in going to Africa to undertake this valuable work. As we have lost Linda’s valuable contributions to our fundraising and organising effort we are also looking for someone, who is not necessarily a water dowser, to join our small team of two!
I trust that you may see this as an opportunity to support dowsing as a practical means of improving people’s lives.
Many thanks in advance,