Were Gothic Churches Powered Up

by Earth Energy Lines?

A Zoom talk to the Trencrom, Devon, Tamar, Somerset and Thames Valley Dowsing Groups

by Richard Nissen

The irrepressibly enthusiastic BSD stalwart Richard Nissen has been dowsing for a couple of decades. He is probably best known for his ground-breaking research into the navigational abilities of migrating birds.

He has been bravely trying to persuade mainstream scientists and naturalists that tiny creatures looking for geographical or climatological waymarkers whilst flying over thousands of square miles of barely distinguishable open ground and ocean, that they may never have previously experienced in any material form, is actually a very big ask.

A much simpler explanation, and a much better fit for this phenomenon, is that the birds are getting their navigational data straight from the information field. i.e. that they are dowsing their way across the world, with a little help from inherited genetics.

However, on this occasion, Richard was proposing another – perhaps similar – scenario. Could it be that modern churches and Cathedrals, built over former pre-Christian sacred sites, were established by people who knew, or at least sensed where the best place existed in any given area to be at one with the universe (or however they might have phrased such an idea)?

Here RN presented details of both his own experience, and of the work of others, to indicate that probably all pre-reformation churches, and certainly all Gothic Cathedrals, were sited according to earth energy currents and to sacred geometry.

Richard may not be the first to discuss these ideas in the public domain, but his talk certainly generated a lot of interest. Many participants were keen to add their own observations and dowsing information – and the subsequent discussion actually lasted far longer that the original presentation. This was clearly the objective. The debate brought out many aspects of how churches have been designed to accommodate and to accentuate the earth energy patterns beneath them.

A good airing was also given to the debate about whether the energy in a sacred place was present before the construction of it, or whether it had been attracted or generated by the participants across many centuries. As ever, there was a general consensus that both inputs were instrumental in producing the energetic experience that we have today.

Those originally using the location do seem to have been drawn to places where earth energies were felt to be the strongest. However, successive cultures and generations appear to have built on these foundations to produce ever more complex and integrated patterns of manifest energy currents and features.

Arguably, the seminal work on the subject in the modern era is Dowsing and Church Archaeology (1988) by Richard N. Bailey, Eric Cambridge and H. Denis Briggs, which has a foreword written by the renowned archaeologist and Cornish Historian, Prof. Charles Thomas CBE.

Please click on the link below to read the full talk report

Were Gothic Churches Powered Up By Earth Energy Lines. Write up by Nigel Twinn

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