From: Sharry Hope, consultant
I would like to receive information about your online meetings
I’ve been actively dowsing since 1977 when I studied with Walter woods.
I dowsed my first well in 19 80, my own, which is still producing wonderful water. Since then I have dowsed over 2000 well sites in California and Nevada.
My dowsing activities include map, chart, pendulum, L rod, and Y rod dowsing.
Devon Dowsers
on 30th March 2024 at 21:22
Hi Sharry, it’s lovely to hear about you long history of dowsing and successes.
To access our online meetings, you have to be a member of Devon Dowsers. Information on
how to join is in the drop down ‘About us’ at the top of the website.
Best wishes
From: Sharry Hope, consultant
I would like to receive information about your online meetings
I’ve been actively dowsing since 1977 when I studied with Walter woods.
I dowsed my first well in 19 80, my own, which is still producing wonderful water. Since then I have dowsed over 2000 well sites in California and Nevada.
My dowsing activities include map, chart, pendulum, L rod, and Y rod dowsing.
Hi Sharry, it’s lovely to hear about you long history of dowsing and successes.
To access our online meetings, you have to be a member of Devon Dowsers. Information on
how to join is in the drop down ‘About us’ at the top of the website.
Best wishes